MindSafe (Cohort 6.0) wellbeing platform celebrates record users

28 Feb 2024

Published in: Cohort Successes

A Worcestershire technology business that empowers pupils to take control of their mental wellbeing and navigate the challenges of school life is celebrating after hitting landmark user numbers.
40,000 pupils in schools have now signed up to the MindSafe platform since its launch in 2021, meaning pupils aged 8 to 18 across the country now have access to a safe, secure space for mental wellbeing support around the clock. 

Charlotte Hodivala, founder of MindSafe, said: “We’re amazed by the response the platform has received since its launch. Growing up has always presented challenges for young people, with pressures around school, family life, friendships and exams, to name just a few examples. These can all impact students’ wellbeing so equipping pupils with the skills they need to navigate them and protect their mental health is crucial - in fact, wellbeing has been shown to have a far greater impact on future life outcomes than exam success. 

Since the pandemic, figures show that one in five pupils in every classroom need mental health support and schools have a statutory duty to provide this. However, competing demands on resources mean many schools lack the funding, time or experience to provide this essential service. Often, only the most severe cases receive help and only when pupils hit crisis point.

This is where MindSafe comes in. It provides pupils and schools with 24:7 access to a range of resources - from mood diaries and journals to live chats, reports and round-the-clock access to specialist support services. This allows young people to access support whenever they need it, as well as a secure space in which to develop their wellbeing skills. The platform also helps schools monitor pupils’ moods and identify potential issues at an earlier stage - allowing them to adapt classes in response the changing needs of their students, as well as meeting their statutory obligations."

Adila K, a teacher whose school is using MindSafe said: “If students aren’t feeling happy and safe, learning is not going to happen. MindSafe gives them their own space where it’s okay to talk about they’re feeling.” Ash O, teacher and member of the senior management team at a secondary school in Birmingham added: “MindSafe has been a real success in terms of student engagement at our school. They want to log on, they want to identify their emotion and they want to talk about it with each other.”

MindSafe was created by Charlotte Hodivala, a health, social care and education professional,  and Liz England, a city GP and mental health lead for the Royal College of GPs. It is also an alumni of Worcestershire technology accelerator BetaDen, which provides fully-funded support to early-stage technology businesses to commercialise their ideas. 

Speaking of MindSafe’s time in the accelerator, Charlotte added: “I’m certain we couldn’t have reached today’s landmark without the expert mentoring and guidance we received during our time at BetaDen. 

Taking part in the accelerator programme not only gave us dedicated time to develop our business but access to a network of professional advisors and fellow founders who challenged and supported us every step of the way too. 

I’d encourage anyone considering putting in an application to join Cohort 8 to just do it. When you’re establishing and growing your business, it can be difficult to know what to focus on at any one time, but the commercial and professional support you receive is second to none.”

Applications to join Cohort 8 of the award-winning programme close on Friday 1 March 2024. For further details visit www.beta-den.com/apply 
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