Published: August 2024

GraftAR Brings Augmented Reality Home with Support from BetaDen Incubate

GraftAR is an innovative startup that is revolutionising the home improvement industry through its augmented reality (AR) marketplace app. The app allows customers to visualise home improvement products and furniture in their own spaces using AR technology before making a purchase.

Founded by Chris Guidon (Founder and CEO) and Russell Nutland (Founder), with Connor Hay (CTO) recently joining the team, GraftAR emerged as a promising player in the tech industry. Their journey took a transformative turn when they joined the 8-week BetaDen Incubate programme, designed to support early-stage technology startups.

Challenges Before BetaDen Incubate

Before joining BetaDen Incubate, GraftAR was at a critical stage of development. The founders had a clear vision for their product but faced several challenges:

  • Lack of Guidance: While the core idea of GraftAR was strong, the team struggled with certain aspects of their business strategy and product development. They needed guidance on how to refine their business model and target market.
  • Limited Technical Expertise: Although the idea for the AR marketplace was well-conceived, the team lacked the technical expertise required to develop the product. This created a significant roadblock in moving the project forward.
  • Isolation: As a team of founders who were also working full-time jobs, the isolation of working on their startup outside of regular hours was a challenge. They needed a supportive environment to stay motivated and connected.

Transformative Impact of BetaDen Incubate

GraftAR's participation in the BetaDen Incubate programme marked a turning point in their journey. The programme provided them with critical resources, mentorship, and a collaborative environment that accelerated their progress in several key areas:

  1. Strategic Pivot and Clarity: Through regular mentorship sessions, GraftAR was able to pivot and refine its business model. The ability to access a wealth of mentors who are all specialists in their fields helped the team define their target market more clearly and provided insights that clarified the direction in which the company should move.

“The mentors have helped a lot in defining some areas that we weren't entirely sure about or how they would exactly work. We have changed quite a bit... I feel that the programme has defined exactly where we want to be going.”
— Chris Guidon, CEO of GraftAR

  1. Building a Stronger Team: One of the most significant outcomes of the programme was the formation of a more cohesive team. Connor Hay, who joined GraftAR as the CTO, was a fellow participant in the programme with his own business. The collaborative environment of BetaDen Incubate enabled the team to come together under a shared vision. This not only solved their technical challenges but also laid the foundation for a strong company culture, something Russell Nutland emphasised as crucial for their long-term success.

The GraftAR Team

Networking with Connor who’s also a member of the programme has accelerated our progress and enabled us to work on the product as a team rather than having to outsource a dev team externally.

  1. Access to Resources and Networking: The programme's co-working space provided a vital resource for the team. It allowed them to work together in a dedicated environment, away from the distractions of their day jobs. Additionally, the mentorship and networking opportunities provided by BetaDen Incubate were invaluable.

“We all work our day jobs and live in different towns, therefore having unlimited access to the co-working space at The Kiln has enabled us to come together as a team in a place away from our day jobs where we can dedicate our full attention to the product’s development, which is invaluable.

Having access to the mentors has been a game changer for us... They're high-value individuals, and there's often a large barrier between you, so if you’re just trying to reach out to them cold, you're not going to get the same result that you would on a programme like this. It's like the best warm introduction you could get.”
— Russell Nutland, Founder of GraftAR

  1. Accelerated Progress: GraftAR achieved significant milestones during the 8-week programme. They onboarded their first vendor for the platform, a crucial step in building their marketplace. The programme also prepared them for future investment conversations, ensuring they are well-equipped to attract funding as they scale.

“The fact that we've been able to do this in just 8 weeks since joining the programme is massive, isn't it? The programme helped us get to these key milestones in building the company a lot faster.”
— Chris Guidon, CEO of GraftAR

  1. Entrepreneurial Mindset Support: The BetaDen Incubate programme offered more than just technical and strategic support; it provided a community of like-minded entrepreneurs facing similar challenges. This sense of camaraderie was essential in alleviating the loneliness that often accompanies startup life.

“Having a creative startup is difficult... just knowing there's someone out there facing the same challenges and being able to talk about it in a group setting is so beneficial, and it takes some of the weight off your shoulders.”
— Chris Guidon, CEO of GraftAR

“As a student, it's provided me with an abundance of opportunity, along with the education that's come alongside it. And I really feel like where I was eight weeks ago, compared to now, my career has been supercharged through the programme.”
— Connor Hay, CTO of GraftAR

The BetaDen Incubate programme played a pivotal role in GraftAR's growth, offering the team the resources, mentorship, and support they needed to overcome their initial challenges. The programme's impact is evident in the strategic clarity, team development, and accelerated progress that GraftAR has achieved. The team is forecasted to expand even further in the foreseeable future, aiming to create local high-value jobs in Worcestershire.

As they continue to build their AR marketplace, the foundations laid during the BetaDen Incubate programme will undoubtedly contribute to their long-term success.